A video explaining our idea:
Wednesday, 30 October 2013
Opening Sequence Idea
Our idea is to have a Women walking through London past landmarks, and well known places. Then six people will answer phones being worried and frightened, then at the end the audience will find out that the women we are seeing is the person on the other end of the phone. The whole opening sequence will be black and white, and we will try to have our protagonist the only person in colour (red).
Sunday, 20 October 2013
Alfred Hitchcock - Case study
Alfred Hitchcock was a film director and producer. Many think that Hitchcock's films makes him the best English direction/producer in history, in his famous silence films and talkies otherwise known as sound film. Some of his most well known thriller films include Vertigo, The man who knew too much a and Psycho. These films are all black and white, because at that point film wasn't as developed as now days. I think this adds more mystery and makes the focus all on the plot.
Opening sequence of Vertigo and Psycho Hitchcock directed:
Designed by Saul Bass.
Designed by Saul Bass.
Opening sequence of Vertigo and Psycho Hitchcock directed:
Designed by Saul Bass.
Designed by Saul Bass.
The Butterfly Effect - Spoiler Review
This film was a really exciting and mysterious thriller. It has a non linear plot, not having a clear begging, middle and end. The Protagonist Ashton Kutcher's, character starts to re create his past, trying to make his and other characters life's better. For example he goes back to his past to make himself save a mother and child from being injured from an inevitable explosion. But this then results in him being insured and loosing limbs. This change of events from present to past, happens again and again until the end in which he changes one event for the better.
The mystery in this thriller is largely present, leaving the audience posing questions. The enigma code is the constant black outs Kutcher's character has.This film a restricted narrative, because the audience know something bad will happen but the audience do not know exactly how, where or why. It turns out to be the love interest of Kutcher's character, ends up to be non existent.
This film is a psychological thriller because it plays with the mind of Kutcher's character, leaving him clueless after blackouts, and going slightly out of control creating more conflict than there was originally. Because this film is under the sub genre of psychological the main focus is the characters rather than the plot, and it created lots of suspense which kept me second guessing myself. I really enjoyed this thriller, because it was constantly revealing the truth about what happened in the blackouts the main character had.
Star ratings of the thriller out of 5:
Friday, 18 October 2013
Thriller Audience Research
Audience research of Thriller Films:
I went onto www.imdb.com, and found user ratings showing the ratings from certain age groups.
Shutter Island:

Shutter Island audience are largely a Male audience, rather than a female audience. And the people who have watched Shutter Island who are 18 - 29 is larger than the other categories. With males and females aged 45 and higher at the lowest number who have watched this film. This film could have a higher audience of males because, the film may relate to males more. It could be the low key lighting, the sense of mystery or maybe the build up of suspense. This film is also exciting, and not easy to follow, so that could be because the 18 - 29 audience enjoy that more. These user ratings suggests that the target audience for this film is 18 - 29. The men may find the male actors act as their role models, because they are all in their late 20's. This film could appeal to males because it is stereotypical of males to like action, and the thrill almost fear of a thriller. Whereas it is not stereotypical of women to like that, it is stereotypical of women to like romance's.
Shutter island target audience:
Men 18-29
Fight Club:
The audience for Males is again the highest amount of audience, and the 18 -29 have the most audience which is same as Shutter Island. The user rating are very similar, which shows me that my target audience should be similar. This film has a high male rating, this could be because the fighting appeals to males more than females. As for all 3 films the main characters are all men, so women could watch because of the famous actors, and they find them good looking. The under 18 age group are the most likely to illegally watch films online, so this could be why the vote is their high for under 18's, but because it is not very easily to follow the under 18's could loose interest unlike the 18-29.
Target audience:
Men 18 - 29
The Butterfly Effect:
This thriller again has males as the highest audiences votes, and the 18 -29 rating. This film would appeal to to 18 - 29 age group because it is hard to follow, because it is a restricted (narrative) film with a non linear plot. The age cert of 15, but not many under 18's have watched it, compared to the 18 -29 age group. This could be because it is not an easy watch, and under 18's could get bored. There is a some romanse in this film, and Ashton Kutcher both could be the reason why some women watched this film.
Target Audience:
18 - 29
Inception again has the highest votes from males aged 18 -29. This film is a non linear film so might be too confusing for under 18's, so that could be why it has a low vote score. The female votes for the 18 - 29 age group isn't has far behind as other user ratings for other films. This could be because of Leonardo DiCaprio.
Target Audience:
Males 18 - 29
Males who are 18 -29 are again the highest voter. The male votes could be because of Angelina Jolie, and because is a action thriller. This film is action packed, which is stereotype of what males like to watch along with crime.
Target Audience:
Males 18 - 29
Sophie Gordon and I interviewed our target audience, these are the interviews:
I have learnt that the target audience for thriller are males who are 18 - 29. I have learnt this from the trend within these thriller ratings, it seem males 18 - 29 enjoy the action, crime, and the general aspects of a thriller. I should make sure my audience to my opening should appeal to the target audience if a thriller.
I went onto www.imdb.com, and found user ratings showing the ratings from certain age groups.
Shutter Island:

Shutter Island audience are largely a Male audience, rather than a female audience. And the people who have watched Shutter Island who are 18 - 29 is larger than the other categories. With males and females aged 45 and higher at the lowest number who have watched this film. This film could have a higher audience of males because, the film may relate to males more. It could be the low key lighting, the sense of mystery or maybe the build up of suspense. This film is also exciting, and not easy to follow, so that could be because the 18 - 29 audience enjoy that more. These user ratings suggests that the target audience for this film is 18 - 29. The men may find the male actors act as their role models, because they are all in their late 20's. This film could appeal to males because it is stereotypical of males to like action, and the thrill almost fear of a thriller. Whereas it is not stereotypical of women to like that, it is stereotypical of women to like romance's.
Shutter island target audience:
Men 18-29
Fight Club:

Target audience:
Men 18 - 29

This thriller again has males as the highest audiences votes, and the 18 -29 rating. This film would appeal to to 18 - 29 age group because it is hard to follow, because it is a restricted (narrative) film with a non linear plot. The age cert of 15, but not many under 18's have watched it, compared to the 18 -29 age group. This could be because it is not an easy watch, and under 18's could get bored. There is a some romanse in this film, and Ashton Kutcher both could be the reason why some women watched this film.
Target Audience:
18 - 29
Inception again has the highest votes from males aged 18 -29. This film is a non linear film so might be too confusing for under 18's, so that could be why it has a low vote score. The female votes for the 18 - 29 age group isn't has far behind as other user ratings for other films. This could be because of Leonardo DiCaprio.
Target Audience:
Males 18 - 29
Males who are 18 -29 are again the highest voter. The male votes could be because of Angelina Jolie, and because is a action thriller. This film is action packed, which is stereotype of what males like to watch along with crime.
Target Audience:
Males 18 - 29
Sophie Gordon and I interviewed our target audience, these are the interviews:
I have learnt that the target audience for thriller are males who are 18 - 29. I have learnt this from the trend within these thriller ratings, it seem males 18 - 29 enjoy the action, crime, and the general aspects of a thriller. I should make sure my audience to my opening should appeal to the target audience if a thriller.
Thursday, 17 October 2013
Narratives Themes and Sub Genres
Omniscient is when the audience can clearly see everything that is happening from the start of the film, and know what the outcome may be. But they will not particularly know how, and the date or location it may happen. The events within the film are put together, so the audience have full perspective of what is happening, and what will happened. An example would be Silence of Lambs, this is because us the audience know who the killer is.
If a thriller is restricted it means that the audience do not know what the outcome of the film might be. The events are placed so that the audience are oblivious to the ending, but other characters within the film might know. Towards the ending the film will start to reveal the truth. An example of an restricted narrative would be Shutter Island, because all the way through the audience and the main character (Leonardo DiCaprio) don't know the soon to be revealed plot twist. That the main character is in fact a patient at the mental institute, this then creates shock and surprise with the audience and main character. Another example is Fight club, the audience and main character do not know until the end, that Brad Pitt's character is in fact the same person as the main character.

Video Presentation:
Mostly created my Sophie Gordon, with some input from myself.
I have learnt what a sub genre and narrative in detail, I have also learnt what films are what certain narrative and sub genre.
A narrative is the way the plot is being portrayed, by putting together certain events, depending on what narrative technique is being used, the narrative defining the film will change. Their are different types of narratives, these include:

The narrative Non-Linear is when a film does not have a clear start, middle and end. A non-linear film would include flashbacks to the past or flashes to the future when this occurs it ruins the traditional linear film, but can make a film more interesting and allows the audience to be told information, or it can lead the audience into a false plot. An example would be Shutter Island, because towards the end there are flashbacks to reveal the real plot.
Linear is when a film has a clear start, middle and end.
Enigma Code
The enigma code is technique used in films, this theory was created by Roland Barthes. The theory is when questions are asked and the audience are so interested so they want to watch on, this is all caused because of an event that happens to cause mystery. Questions are created by the audience such as who are they? what happened? Why did that happen?
The usual suspect is a great example, in the opening a man is tied up and the boat is lit on fire, the audience see a silhouette of the person who has done this. But the audience do not know who he is, they ask them self who is he? why has he done that? It is only at the very end that the audience and the detective find out who it is (this is also an example of one of the narratives, restricted).
Video presentation:
I have used a website called animoto to create this presentation. This is a video presentation that I mostly created, but with some input from Sophie Gordon.
Sub Genres:
A sub genre of a genre, is a specific grouping, gives more detail, within the general genre. These are the sub genres withing the Thriller genre.
A psychological thriller is a thriller which plays with the mind, they create more suspense than your average thriller. This sub genre of a thriller focuses more in the characters, specifically characters unstable emotional states. It commonly includes elements of drama and mystery. A psychological thriller focuses more heavily on the characters rather than the plot. An example of a psychological thriller is Shutter Island, because it really does play with it's audiences mind. It creates a false story, and as the truth is revealed the audience are left doubting themselves, as does DiCaprio's character. The film creates the same emotions and feelings as Dicaprio's character has.
A crime thriller focuses more on the criminals and the crimes they make, the film focuses on the crime being made rather than the victims. Crime props are greatly used in this sub genre, and they can create suspense because of the crimes create. An example of a crime thriller is The usual Suspect, all the way through the film the audience are show the lives of five criminals, and the crimes they commit.
A religious thriller is when the focus is on religion. The main focuses are religious objects, questions and institutions. Religious thrillers usually unravel good and evil.
A political thriller focuses on government, the film will be set in a political environment. A political thriller involves characters who are terrorists or presidents/prime minister.
Super Natural
This sub-genre is closely related to the religious sub genre, because demons are commonly involved in super natural thrillers, and demons are to do with religion.
This sub-genre makes a hero or heroin, stereotypically a journalist or a lower level in a career. They then usually find them selves in trouble, and tied up with powerful organisations.
They type of thriller is all surrounded by disasters the plot and characters. The characters are followed as they survive, or in some cases cause these disasters. The disaster may be natural or caused on purpose, this usually creates more action and tension than just a thriller, these could be floods, earthquakes, fires, bombs etc.
The sub genre includes more mystery for the audience, than usual, they also relate to crime thrillers. This sub genre focuses on the work of the detectives, rather than the protagonist or antagonist. An example is Shutter Island, because their is a great amount of mystery created.
This sub genre includes looks of technology, and mostly set in the future. Techno is highly focused on fictional, science and techno objects and plots. An example is Irobot, because the main focus is on robot, and it is set in the future.
The enigma code is technique used in films, this theory was created by Roland Barthes. The theory is when questions are asked and the audience are so interested so they want to watch on, this is all caused because of an event that happens to cause mystery. Questions are created by the audience such as who are they? what happened? Why did that happen?
The usual suspect is a great example, in the opening a man is tied up and the boat is lit on fire, the audience see a silhouette of the person who has done this. But the audience do not know who he is, they ask them self who is he? why has he done that? It is only at the very end that the audience and the detective find out who it is (this is also an example of one of the narratives, restricted).
Video presentation:
I have used a website called animoto to create this presentation. This is a video presentation that I mostly created, but with some input from Sophie Gordon.
Sub Genres:
A sub genre of a genre, is a specific grouping, gives more detail, within the general genre. These are the sub genres withing the Thriller genre.
A psychological thriller is a thriller which plays with the mind, they create more suspense than your average thriller. This sub genre of a thriller focuses more in the characters, specifically characters unstable emotional states. It commonly includes elements of drama and mystery. A psychological thriller focuses more heavily on the characters rather than the plot. An example of a psychological thriller is Shutter Island, because it really does play with it's audiences mind. It creates a false story, and as the truth is revealed the audience are left doubting themselves, as does DiCaprio's character. The film creates the same emotions and feelings as Dicaprio's character has.
A crime thriller focuses more on the criminals and the crimes they make, the film focuses on the crime being made rather than the victims. Crime props are greatly used in this sub genre, and they can create suspense because of the crimes create. An example of a crime thriller is The usual Suspect, all the way through the film the audience are show the lives of five criminals, and the crimes they commit.
A religious thriller is when the focus is on religion. The main focuses are religious objects, questions and institutions. Religious thrillers usually unravel good and evil.
A political thriller focuses on government, the film will be set in a political environment. A political thriller involves characters who are terrorists or presidents/prime minister.
Super Natural
This sub-genre is closely related to the religious sub genre, because demons are commonly involved in super natural thrillers, and demons are to do with religion.
This sub-genre makes a hero or heroin, stereotypically a journalist or a lower level in a career. They then usually find them selves in trouble, and tied up with powerful organisations.
They type of thriller is all surrounded by disasters the plot and characters. The characters are followed as they survive, or in some cases cause these disasters. The disaster may be natural or caused on purpose, this usually creates more action and tension than just a thriller, these could be floods, earthquakes, fires, bombs etc.
The sub genre includes more mystery for the audience, than usual, they also relate to crime thrillers. This sub genre focuses on the work of the detectives, rather than the protagonist or antagonist. An example is Shutter Island, because their is a great amount of mystery created.
This sub genre includes looks of technology, and mostly set in the future. Techno is highly focused on fictional, science and techno objects and plots. An example is Irobot, because the main focus is on robot, and it is set in the future.
Video Presentation:
Mostly created my Sophie Gordon, with some input from myself.
I have learnt what a sub genre and narrative in detail, I have also learnt what films are what certain narrative and sub genre.
Monday, 7 October 2013
Directors Comments on Camera shots - Preliminary Task
Mine and Sophie Gordon's script:
I have learnt how I could have made my camera shots video better. I have criticized my own work, so I could figure out what I could have done better. We planned before recording the audio, so the directors comments would be professional. I have also learnt from my mistake, We put the video onto garage band with the audio, and the video shrunk. We then changed this and put the audio and video onto final cut pro.
I have learnt how I could have made my camera shots video better. I have criticized my own work, so I could figure out what I could have done better. We planned before recording the audio, so the directors comments would be professional. I have also learnt from my mistake, We put the video onto garage band with the audio, and the video shrunk. We then changed this and put the audio and video onto final cut pro.
Friday, 4 October 2013
Thriller Location Recee
I have taken this photo from Spinnaka Tower, at a high angle looking at Old Portsmouth. The dock yard would be a great location to create mystery and suspense the protagonist could create conflict in this location, or the heroin could be in danger here.
The dock yard gives a lot of options, for example my thriller could be a crime thriller, psychological or spy. The old disadvantages would be if a ship came in to dock, it would reduce the amount of match on action shots I could have. I would have to take that into consideration.
I could also have Old Portsmouth as my location because of the Spinnaka Tower, it is Portsmouth Land mark. The old naval buildings (some abandoned would give a lots of options as well. It would be a great place to have a conflict take place.
I have taken this photo on Oxford street, red buses are on view, which would tell the audience the location is London. This location is great because it is very busy. A chase could easily take place, I could use a pan or track shot, to make the most of the location. This would add the fast excitement to the thriller opening.The narrow roads, and corner buildings could make the chase, exciting and dramatic. If I edited the video clips using final cut pro, and use the effect colour correction 3 way, I could make the clip darker to add more mystery.
I have edited the same photo, using Photoshop To show how making the photo darker creates different emotions. Making it darker creates more mystery and uncertainty because the dark is mysterious we do not know what is in the dark.
Here I have learnt what locations would be suitable for a thriller. I have learnt that the capital city, London, would be good because it is well known. I have also discovered that having a location which is either abandoned or really busy would be the most suitable, because it makes it more interesting and realistic.
The dock yard gives a lot of options, for example my thriller could be a crime thriller, psychological or spy. The old disadvantages would be if a ship came in to dock, it would reduce the amount of match on action shots I could have. I would have to take that into consideration.
I could also have Old Portsmouth as my location because of the Spinnaka Tower, it is Portsmouth Land mark. The old naval buildings (some abandoned would give a lots of options as well. It would be a great place to have a conflict take place.
I have taken this photo on Oxford street, red buses are on view, which would tell the audience the location is London. This location is great because it is very busy. A chase could easily take place, I could use a pan or track shot, to make the most of the location. This would add the fast excitement to the thriller opening.The narrow roads, and corner buildings could make the chase, exciting and dramatic. If I edited the video clips using final cut pro, and use the effect colour correction 3 way, I could make the clip darker to add more mystery.
I have edited the same photo, using Photoshop To show how making the photo darker creates different emotions. Making it darker creates more mystery and uncertainty because the dark is mysterious we do not know what is in the dark.
Here I have learnt what locations would be suitable for a thriller. I have learnt that the capital city, London, would be good because it is well known. I have also discovered that having a location which is either abandoned or really busy would be the most suitable, because it makes it more interesting and realistic.
Dexter opening titles remake
This is mine and Sophie Gordon's Dexter Remake, we both edited on final cut pro, I edited the very begging and very end, changed speed and added titles, transitions and effects (colour correction 3 ways, blur and rotation), and Sophie edited the whole middle. I have learnt how to use effects, and how to speed up because of the small amount of time we had. I used keyboard short cuts to do this. I would of liked to add all of the titles and more effects, but we did not have time.
Next time we would have given ourselves more time in editing, by coming behind school more often, we could of also added less effects. We did not render as often as we would have liked to, so the clips do not flow as well because we couldn't play them back. We would have also liked to of spent more time moving the audio, so it fits the video better.
I have learnt how to fade in and out on videos, using effects. I have also learnt how to made a clip darker or lighter, using the colour correction 3 way effect. I have learnt that we should have given ourselves more time, so we wouldn't have to rush.
Dexter Opening Remake Planning
I am working in a group with Sophie Gordon, to film Dexter's morning routine.
This opening sequence to Dexter, creates a back story for the audience. Even though the actions Dexter is doing are normal, there is something unusual about them. All of the parts to the routine are aggressive, the low lighting gives the audience a sense of mystery. Most of the props used in the routine could be used to murder people with, the possible murder weapons give the audience clues that he is a murderer. There is also a sense of comedy to the routine, which makes the audience warm to him, which creates even more mystery to who he is. The frequent presence of blood, which also could portray danger, teaches the audience that he's not just a normal man getting ready.
What we need:
A kitchen stove/hob
A frying pan
A coffee cafetiere
A thin white t shirt
A grape fruit
A shape knife
Hand razor
Toilet roll
fake blood
What we need each:
Time line of Dexter's morning routine:
Mind map:
I have learnt that planning is important, this is because it allows me to know what I am doing on the day of shooting, so I do not waste time. I have also learnt, that there are lots of shots in this opening sequence which makes it interesting. So I must include lots in mine.
Thriller Mind map
I have learnt the different components that make a thriller, and how they create certain emotions for the audience. I have also learnt that there are lots of components in a thriller, so I must make sure they are all included so my opening sequence is the best that it an be.
Thursday, 3 October 2013
Final edited Camera shots - Preliminary Task
My group (Sophie Gordon, Anna Tyler and Cammie Hall) and I, filmed a variety of shots in our school. I filmed some shots, and edited half and added the effect to this film. We then uploaded them from two iPhone 5's to our computers. Sophie Gordon and I then edited the clips in Final cut pro, we used match on action , the 180 degree rule, panning, shot reverse shot and a variety of angles. We then added an effect, to turn the whole video into black and white. We removed the audio to the whole video, apart from the speaking scene (shot reverse shot).
I have learnt what the 180 degree rule is and shot reverse shot, and how to film that. I also learnt how to add effects on final cut pro.
I have learnt what the 180 degree rule is and shot reverse shot, and how to film that. I also learnt how to add effects on final cut pro.
Tuesday, 1 October 2013
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