A narrative is the way the plot is being portrayed, by putting together certain events, depending on what narrative technique is being used, the narrative defining the film will change. Their are different types of narratives, these include:

The narrative Non-Linear is when a film does not have a clear start, middle and end. A non-linear film would include flashbacks to the past or flashes to the future when this occurs it ruins the traditional linear film, but can make a film more interesting and allows the audience to be told information, or it can lead the audience into a false plot. An example would be Shutter Island, because towards the end there are flashbacks to reveal the real plot.
Linear is when a film has a clear start, middle and end.
Enigma Code
The enigma code is technique used in films, this theory was created by Roland Barthes. The theory is when questions are asked and the audience are so interested so they want to watch on, this is all caused because of an event that happens to cause mystery. Questions are created by the audience such as who are they? what happened? Why did that happen?
The usual suspect is a great example, in the opening a man is tied up and the boat is lit on fire, the audience see a silhouette of the person who has done this. But the audience do not know who he is, they ask them self who is he? why has he done that? It is only at the very end that the audience and the detective find out who it is (this is also an example of one of the narratives, restricted).
Video presentation:
I have used a website called animoto to create this presentation. This is a video presentation that I mostly created, but with some input from Sophie Gordon.
Sub Genres:
A sub genre of a genre, is a specific grouping, gives more detail, within the general genre. These are the sub genres withing the Thriller genre.
A psychological thriller is a thriller which plays with the mind, they create more suspense than your average thriller. This sub genre of a thriller focuses more in the characters, specifically characters unstable emotional states. It commonly includes elements of drama and mystery. A psychological thriller focuses more heavily on the characters rather than the plot. An example of a psychological thriller is Shutter Island, because it really does play with it's audiences mind. It creates a false story, and as the truth is revealed the audience are left doubting themselves, as does DiCaprio's character. The film creates the same emotions and feelings as Dicaprio's character has.
A crime thriller focuses more on the criminals and the crimes they make, the film focuses on the crime being made rather than the victims. Crime props are greatly used in this sub genre, and they can create suspense because of the crimes create. An example of a crime thriller is The usual Suspect, all the way through the film the audience are show the lives of five criminals, and the crimes they commit.
A religious thriller is when the focus is on religion. The main focuses are religious objects, questions and institutions. Religious thrillers usually unravel good and evil.
A political thriller focuses on government, the film will be set in a political environment. A political thriller involves characters who are terrorists or presidents/prime minister.
Super Natural
This sub-genre is closely related to the religious sub genre, because demons are commonly involved in super natural thrillers, and demons are to do with religion.
This sub-genre makes a hero or heroin, stereotypically a journalist or a lower level in a career. They then usually find them selves in trouble, and tied up with powerful organisations.
They type of thriller is all surrounded by disasters the plot and characters. The characters are followed as they survive, or in some cases cause these disasters. The disaster may be natural or caused on purpose, this usually creates more action and tension than just a thriller, these could be floods, earthquakes, fires, bombs etc.
The sub genre includes more mystery for the audience, than usual, they also relate to crime thrillers. This sub genre focuses on the work of the detectives, rather than the protagonist or antagonist. An example is Shutter Island, because their is a great amount of mystery created.
This sub genre includes looks of technology, and mostly set in the future. Techno is highly focused on fictional, science and techno objects and plots. An example is Irobot, because the main focus is on robot, and it is set in the future.
The enigma code is technique used in films, this theory was created by Roland Barthes. The theory is when questions are asked and the audience are so interested so they want to watch on, this is all caused because of an event that happens to cause mystery. Questions are created by the audience such as who are they? what happened? Why did that happen?
The usual suspect is a great example, in the opening a man is tied up and the boat is lit on fire, the audience see a silhouette of the person who has done this. But the audience do not know who he is, they ask them self who is he? why has he done that? It is only at the very end that the audience and the detective find out who it is (this is also an example of one of the narratives, restricted).
Video presentation:
I have used a website called animoto to create this presentation. This is a video presentation that I mostly created, but with some input from Sophie Gordon.
Sub Genres:
A sub genre of a genre, is a specific grouping, gives more detail, within the general genre. These are the sub genres withing the Thriller genre.
A psychological thriller is a thriller which plays with the mind, they create more suspense than your average thriller. This sub genre of a thriller focuses more in the characters, specifically characters unstable emotional states. It commonly includes elements of drama and mystery. A psychological thriller focuses more heavily on the characters rather than the plot. An example of a psychological thriller is Shutter Island, because it really does play with it's audiences mind. It creates a false story, and as the truth is revealed the audience are left doubting themselves, as does DiCaprio's character. The film creates the same emotions and feelings as Dicaprio's character has.
A crime thriller focuses more on the criminals and the crimes they make, the film focuses on the crime being made rather than the victims. Crime props are greatly used in this sub genre, and they can create suspense because of the crimes create. An example of a crime thriller is The usual Suspect, all the way through the film the audience are show the lives of five criminals, and the crimes they commit.
A religious thriller is when the focus is on religion. The main focuses are religious objects, questions and institutions. Religious thrillers usually unravel good and evil.
A political thriller focuses on government, the film will be set in a political environment. A political thriller involves characters who are terrorists or presidents/prime minister.
Super Natural
This sub-genre is closely related to the religious sub genre, because demons are commonly involved in super natural thrillers, and demons are to do with religion.
This sub-genre makes a hero or heroin, stereotypically a journalist or a lower level in a career. They then usually find them selves in trouble, and tied up with powerful organisations.
They type of thriller is all surrounded by disasters the plot and characters. The characters are followed as they survive, or in some cases cause these disasters. The disaster may be natural or caused on purpose, this usually creates more action and tension than just a thriller, these could be floods, earthquakes, fires, bombs etc.
The sub genre includes more mystery for the audience, than usual, they also relate to crime thrillers. This sub genre focuses on the work of the detectives, rather than the protagonist or antagonist. An example is Shutter Island, because their is a great amount of mystery created.
This sub genre includes looks of technology, and mostly set in the future. Techno is highly focused on fictional, science and techno objects and plots. An example is Irobot, because the main focus is on robot, and it is set in the future.
Video Presentation:
Mostly created my Sophie Gordon, with some input from myself.
I have learnt what a sub genre and narrative in detail, I have also learnt what films are what certain narrative and sub genre.
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